UCC Kenya

UCC Kenya

Local board and management

The Usalama Children's Center is registered in Kenya as a non-profit child welfare organization (NGO) supervised by a local board under the direction of David Livingstone.

The association is responsible for contacts with the local government agencies, churches and other local charitable organizations and advises family Nzau in the corresponding decisions for the children, staff and finances.

Since June 2013 Mary Muthoni Nzau is in charge of the children's home management. She is actively supported by her husband Stephen, who is an elder in the church where the Usalama children attend Sunday school every week.

They are parents of three great teenagers. Mary was a teacher in a Christian school in Nairobi for many years. Almost from the beginning, she was a board member of UCC Kenya. She sparkles with initiative and creativity and can hardly wait to see these children realize their full potential in life with God's help.